Сегодня вышло обновление Oxygen Not Included. Из важного: добавлено влияние температуры на процесс игры (продукты портятся, строения плавятся, дупликанты замерзают, трубы лопаются); добавлен новый биом — лёд, и сопутствующие ему новые ресурсы; шитье одежды; а также пакет новых зданий, переделок, фиксов и исправлений. Полный список изменений под спойлером.

New Temperature Mechanics: Building meltdowns, burst pipes, spoiled food and temperature-based diseases all await to foil your plans for survival.
New Biome: Venture into the Ice Biome and obtain valuable resources like Ice, Snow and Wolframite, or take advantage of the chilly atmosphere to cool your colony off.
New Outfits: Build your own aquatic farm and grow the resources to weave protective and stylish outfits for your Dupes.
And more: New plants, buildings, resource bonuses, balances changes, bug fixes and more!

New Ice Biome
New buildings including the Space Heater, Liquid Tepidizer, Textile Factory and Thermo Switch
New Duplicant outfits
New Plants
New Steam Geysers
Food can now be preserved in sterile and/or cold environments
Pipes can now burst, and will take damage if the wrong element is piped into them
Duplicants are temperature sensitive and will get stressed in hot and cold areas
Duplicants can overheat and develop temperature-based diseases
Circuits can overload
Buildings can overheat
Mechanized Airlocks can be assigned custom access permissions
Dupes will now auto-repair buildings

Research and cooking buildings no longer provide restful sleep
Dupes will always eat the least fresh item out of a food container
Better player feedback for rotting food
Ore properly melts
Creatures can no longer walk through “auto” or “closed” doors
The refill percent on the coal generator can now be set
Tiles display the correct temperature
Panning speed scales based on zoom level
Fixed invisible Muckroot plants
Added a jump between ladders that are one tile away to fix a case where building a ladder could prevent Dupes from going back the way they came
Fixed many mass conservation bugs in plumbing systems
Improved mass conservation on doors closing
Improved mass conservation on tile construction
Improved mass conservation of falling liquids
Shower liquid output temperature is same as input
Pumps consume liquid/gas from the four cells they cover instead of the bottom left cell only
Storage shows food freshness
Algae Terrariums no longer stop working if their inventory is full
Duplicant traits no longer prevent them from performing their profession task
Composting interval is much longer so it spits out larger chunks
Mealwood Plants now give negative decor
Tiles which have taken liquid pressure damage are now repairable
Dupes no longer get stuck when the ladder they were standing on gets deconstructed
Lights will no longer appear “on” if something else in the area is shining light on top of them
Fixed zombie Morbs
Memory optimization
Fmod upgrade (should resolve some audio crashes)
Misc crash/bug fixes

3 комментария

Вот как будто раньше было не достаточно сложно :) Прощай, сон.
Комментарий отредактирован 2017-03-30 01:01:00 пользователем Avicorn
  • 0
Обновление отменное, но вот это вот… «Mealwood Plants now give negative decor»
Прощайте, кроватки в зарослях милвуда ;(
  • 0
Скорее бы добавили какие-нибудь долговременные цели… А не просто выживать, пока не кончится вода.
  • 0
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